Tuesday, 31 May 2016

31st May 2016

Hi Sam, my son. I am sorry I have not wrote messages to you on this blogs as much as I was determined to do. There has been a lot going on with my life which has not allowed my plans to flow but I want you to know, you are in my heart and mind every second of every day. I want to show to two photos which I have captured...the first being 5th of November 2003, a day which I cried tears of joy and other just today 31st May 2016 ...during which the tears were sadness...... < Sam, the first photo is me holding a hand of a life starting, the second is me holding the hand of a life ending. What defines that life is what happened between these moments. All I can promise for you, what ever happens between in your life, I hope you will always have the knowledge that I love you and support you no matter what. I hope the natural progression will happen an that one day that will be you holding me hand, I can also promise you that if and when that happens, my last memories will be of love for you just as your Granny's (or "Graggie" as you used to call her as a toddler) memories of you will always be love and your smiling little face. Love you Sam... Daddy and Granny always and forever

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